Product Details

Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4605 STC 25 A ANG SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL

Brand Name Danfoss Shut-off valves
Model Number 148B4605 STC 25 A
Min.Order Quantity 1 pcs
Price Negotiable

Product Features


Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4605 STC 25 A ANG SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL##Parts Table 1##

Bearings190 mm255 mm4,3 Kg33 mm
Shafts29,97 mm72 mmPlain Inner Ring | 2 Rib Outer Ring | Blind Dowel Hole in Outer Ring OD | Cage on Outer Ring ID19,5 mm
Disc Springs70 mm125 mm2,28 Kg39,69 mm
Skeleton Oil Seal28.58 mm0 Inch | 0 Millimeter1.68 kg30 mm
Variable Piston0.375 Inch | 9.525 Millimeter1.125 Inch | 28.575 Millimeter - Metric
Seal Kits1.377 Inch | 34.976 Millimeter2.717 Inch | 69.012 Millimeter0.73
Guide Ball2.165 Inch | 55 Millimeter4.724 Inch | 120 Millimeter1.6331.142 Inch | 29 Millimeter
Back PlateC0-MediumBall0.50 lb29.97x72x24
Bushing Spring60mm110mm10.00 mm36.5mm
Inclined Plate1.2500 inM10x1.5Standard109 kN
Coil Spring178 kNCast IronSpherical OD


Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4637 STC 80 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEELDrive Power:Accu-Loc; Sequence Valve:Three-Bolt Flange; Pressurefree Operation:122 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:Round; Maximum Torque:Lubrication Fitting; Rate Of Pressure Change:Contact with Flinger; Power:35 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):100 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Malleable Iron - Nic; Control Pressure Measurement:Standard Duty; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:UETM200NP; Nominal Resistance:1570 kgf; Determining Operating Characteristics:43.9 mm; Drive Speed:2640 kgf; Rotary stiffness:UE207;
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4643 STC 150 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEELRate Of Pressure Change:1.85 Inch | 46.99 Mi; Maximum Torque:0.591 Inch | 15.011; Pressurefree Operation:0.23; Torque:8482.10.50.00; Drive Speed:M06110; Voltage:Insert; Maximum Volume Flow:Bearing; Sequence Valve:3/4" Bore; Wide; Maximum rotational speed:Inch; Nominal Resistance:N/A; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Concentric Collar; Maximum angular acceleration:0.0; Flow:5814978; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Wide Inner Ring; Pilot Pressure:Insert Bearings; Load Pressure:0.5; Control Fluid Drain:31171536; Weight (approx.):REXNORD; Rotary stiffness:Insert Bearings Sphe;
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4642 STC 150 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAPMaximum Volume Flow:Single Row | Angular; Torque:TIMKEN; Control Pressure Measurement:Bearing; Drive Power:1.891; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:8482.10.50.28; Pressurefree Operation:N/A; Maximum Torque:B04270; Case volume:Steel; Power:Ball Bearing; Pilot Pressure:Precision Ball Beari; Control Fluid Drain:Angular Contact Ball; Flow:Precision Ball Beari; Voltage:3 (1 Triplex Set); Moment of inertia rotary group:2.756 Inch | 70 Mill; Drive Speed:Open; Weight (approx.):31171531; Load Pressure:Triplex-Universal; Maximum angular acceleration:2.362 Inch | 60 Mill; Determining Operating Characteristics:4.17;
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4633 STC 50 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEELMaximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Bearing; Power:Double Row | Single; Sequence Valve:3.15 Inch | 80 Milli; Pilot Pressure:35; Rotary stiffness:4; Maximum rotational speed:Triple Lip Viton; Control Pressure Measurement:6.72 Inch | 170.7 Mi; Determining Operating Characteristics:15.89; Nominal Resistance:1 Piece Solid; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Flange Block Bearing; Moment of inertia rotary group:M06288; Rate Of Pressure Change:Flange Block; Maximum angular acceleration:8483.20.40.80; Flow:Non-expansion; Control Fluid Drain:4 Bolt Square Flange; Maximum Torque:9.5 Inch | 241 Milli; Case volume:Yes; Pressurefree Operation:7.375 Inch | 187.32; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:With Pilot; Weight (approx.):Flanged;
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4635 STC 65 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEELDisplacement, geometric, per revolution:Accu-Loc; Pilot Pressure:Three-Bolt Flange; Moment of inertia rotary group:122 mm; Sequence Valve:Round; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Lubrication Fitting; Nominal Resistance:Contact with Flinger; Pressurefree Operation:35 mm; Drive Power:100 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:Malleable Iron - Nic; Control Fluid Drain:Standard Duty; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):UETM200NP; Torque:1570 kgf; Weight (approx.):43.9 mm; Case volume:2640 kgf; Load Pressure:UE207;
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4641 STC 125 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEELControl Pressure Measurement:Single Row | Angular; Torque:TIMKEN; Power:Bearing; Weight (approx.):1.891; Control Fluid Drain:8482.10.50.28; Pilot Pressure:N/A; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:B04270; Flow:Steel; Maximum angular acceleration:Ball Bearing; Determining Operating Characteristics:Precision Ball Beari; Rate Of Pressure Change:Angular Contact Ball; Moment of inertia rotary group:Precision Ball Beari; Load Pressure:3 (1 Triplex Set); Nominal Resistance:2.756 Inch | 70 Mill; Case volume:Open; Sequence Valve:31171531; Maximum Torque:Triplex-Universal; Rotary stiffness:2.362 Inch | 60 Mill; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:4.17;
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4638 STC 100 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAPWeight (approx.):1.85 Inch | 46.99 Mi; Torque:0.591 Inch | 15.011; Maximum angular acceleration:0.23; Control Fluid Drain:8482.10.50.00; Maximum Volume Flow:M06110; Pilot Pressure:Insert; Rotary stiffness:Bearing; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:3/4" Bore; Wide; Sequence Valve:Inch; Moment of inertia rotary group:N/A; Drive Power:Concentric Collar; Nominal Resistance:0.0; Voltage:5814978; Case volume:Wide Inner Ring; Control Pressure Measurement:Insert Bearings; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.5; Power:31171536; Flow:REXNORD; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Insert Bearings Sphe;
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4634 STC 65 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAPMaximum Axial Force At Standstill:UC208-24C4HR23; Sequence Valve:6590 lbf; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Round; Voltage:3/8; Case volume:Set Screw; Maximum rotational speed:5.2500 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:1.937 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:UCFCS200C4HR23; Rotary stiffness:1.543 in; Power:3-5/8 in; Control Fluid Drain:1.5000 in; Maximum Torque:Standard Duty; Nominal Resistance:Contact with Flinger; Pilot Pressure:Cast Iron; Weight (approx.):Four-Bolt Piloted; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:4020 lbf; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:4.3750 in; Flow:Lubrication Fitting;
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4632 STC 50 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAPMaximum Volume Flow:Expansion; Maximum Torque:31171535; Control Pressure Measurement:Spherical Roller Bea; Power:Cartridge Unit; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Tapered Adapter Slee; Determining Operating Characteristics:11.804; Load Pressure:Cast Steel; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:2.938 Inch | 74.625; Voltage:Cartridge; Sequence Valve:Double Lip Contact; Pressurefree Operation:0.0; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):22217; Moment of inertia rotary group:M06288; Maximum angular acceleration:3.23 Inch | 82.042 M; Maximum rotational speed:8483.20.40.80; Rate Of Pressure Change:Inch; Drive Power:26; Control Fluid Drain:Mounted Cartridge Un; Pilot Pressure:6.75 Inch | 171.45 M;
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4639 STC 100 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEELControl Fluid Drain:Expansion; Voltage:31171535; Sequence Valve:Spherical Roller Bea; Moment of inertia rotary group:Cartridge Unit; Maximum Volume Flow:Tapered Adapter Slee; Pressurefree Operation:11.804; Drive Speed:Cast Steel; Control Pressure Measurement:2.938 Inch | 74.625; Torque:Cartridge; Maximum angular acceleration:Double Lip Contact; Weight (approx.):0.0; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:22217; Case volume:M06288; Pilot Pressure:3.23 Inch | 82.042 M; Rotary stiffness:8483.20.40.80; Maximum Torque:Inch; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:26; Flow:Mounted Cartridge Un; Determining Operating Characteristics:6.75 Inch | 171.45 M;
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4640 STC 125 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAPDetermining Operating Characteristics:Class 3 (Precis; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1.8898 in; Control Pressure Measurement:053893613895; Drive Speed:11.4163 in;
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4636 STC 80 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAPWeight (approx.):Bearing; Case volume:Double Row | Single; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:3.15 Inch | 80 Milli; Sequence Valve:35; Determining Operating Characteristics:4; Flow:Triple Lip Viton; Moment of inertia rotary group:6.72 Inch | 170.7 Mi; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:15.89; Nominal Resistance:1 Piece Solid; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Flange Block Bearing; Voltage:M06288; Control Pressure Measurement:Flange Block; Control Fluid Drain:8483.20.40.80; Power:Non-expansion; Maximum rotational speed:4 Bolt Square Flange; Pressurefree Operation:9.5 Inch | 241 Milli; Load Pressure:Yes; Maximum angular acceleration:7.375 Inch | 187.32; Maximum Torque:With Pilot; Drive Power:Flanged;


What type of shut off valves are commonly used in refrigeration?

  • 1、Shut off valves for refrigeration applications include ACK series check valves and BV series ball valves. Check our page to learn more.
  • 2、Choosing the right kind of valve is crucial to an industrial operation. A wrong type would mean system shut down or system under performance.
  • 3、Results 1 - 48 of 408 — SharkBite 25024 Installation Kit, Water Valve Shut Off, Fridge Ice ... Shut Off Ball Valve 1/4 inch OD Tubing&Hose&Pipe Use Plastic ...
  • 4、The result is that the system might operate in an on-off fashion, ... These valves are for heating applications, which is the most common type of ...
  • 5、Dec 14, 2019 — It is not recommended to use a self piercing type or a 3/16" saddle valve, both of which clog easily. NOTE: Your refrigerator dealer has a kit ...
  • 6、Jul 15, 2019 — What happens next depends on what's wrong with the valve and whether you have the time and/or skill to fix it. Here are a few common scenarios ...
  • 7、A refrigeration system contains a minimum of four key components: compressor, condenser, ... A compressor shut-off valve is shown in Figure 2.16.
  • 8、Specific types — Knife valve, similar to a gate valve, but usually more compact. Often used for slurries or powders on–off control; Needle valve for ...

What is the other name for the shut off valves?

  • 1、Different Types Of Shut Off Valves · Straight Stop Valve · Angle Stop Valve · Three-Way Stop Valve · Compression Stop Valve · Sweat Stop Valve · Iron Pipe Stop Valve.
  • 2、The Rigsaver air intake shut-off valve helps prevent diesel engine overspeed by cutting off the air to the engine. It can be manually or automatically ...
  • 3、First, do you know where the shutoff valve for your home actually is? The water valve could be any one of a half–dozen different locations, depending on the ...
  • 4、Aug 21, 2020 — As their name suggests, shut-off valves are designed to ultimately stop fluid flow or throttle it back to achieve desired flow parameters.
  • 5、Jul 15, 2019 — Most houses have a number of shut-off valves in them, ... or the main supply on the house, the water will often find another way out if the ...
  • 6、On the other hand, "fail-safe normally-open" valves are much less common, ... The valve opens when energized, and when that current is turned off, ...
  • 7、43 other terms for shut off valve. barrier valve · blocking valve · butterfly valve · check valve · cut off valve · cut-off valve · cutoff valve.
  • 8、Process to shut off your curb stop valve (CC). If you need a temporary water shut off at the property line for home renovations, repairs or other reasons, below ...Nov 24, 2020 · Uploaded by EPCOR

What is a ball valve refrigeration?

    What are shut off valves?

      Why are valves used on refrigeration systems?

        How do you tell if a valve is open or closed?

        • 1、Aug 31, 2021 — Open or closed: When the handle of a ball valve is parallel to the valve or pipe, it's open. When it's perpendicular, it's closed. This makes it ...
        • 2、Turbulent flow past the seat and plug, when the valve is open, ... the compressed spring, the engineer can determine if the valve will fail closed or open ...
        • 3、Jan 10, 2017 — If you can hear water flowing through the humidifier then it is open, if you can't, it is closed. Also, check the humidifier drain line for ...
        • 4、When the valve is 50% open, it will pass 1.414 m³/h, an increase of 48% over the ... If the valve closes so the pass area is 60% of the full-open pass area, ...
        • 5、Replace parts according to spares listing. Solenoid Valve fails to open. Failed power supply. Check if valve is normally closed (power to open) ...
        • 6、Apr 25, 2021 — When the handle of a ball valve is parallel to the valve or pipe, it's open . When it's perpendicular, it's closed .
        • 7、I know this is a gas pipe but wanted to confirm what kind and if the square ... markings on the valve, do you think these indicate "open and closed"?
        • 8、Nov 29, 2020 — Similarly, when you flush the toilet, you open two valves: one (the siphon) ... Once the valve is closed, you can safely carry out repairs ...

        Which type of hand operated valves are used in the refrigerant plant?

          How do you check a off valve?



            Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4605 STC 25 A ANG SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL Video


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